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Become a Moms Meet Mom Ambassador and Get FREE Products

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Bargains with Barb: Become a Moms Meet Mom Ambassador and Get FREE Products

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Become a Moms Meet Mom Ambassador and Get FREE Products

I just wanted to remind my readers of this.

If you are a mom who is enthusiastic about parenting and green living then you will definitely want to check out Moms Meet Mom Ambassador. Mom Ambassadors lead groups of parents in discussion meetings and act as ambassadors to present topics, products, and services that they think would be valuable to the parents in their communities. As a Mom Ambassador, you will learn more about raising healthier kids, meet new friends, receive FREE products and services for your group to review, receive a Mom Ambassador Gift just for you, and be a voice for your community and influence green products and services. As you may know, I am a Mom Ambassador and I have received several products for myself and my friends to try. The last party I hosted was a Kids Relief Homeopathic Medicine get together in March. In July I will be hosting Seventh Generation and Stonyfield Farm moms sample meeting so I am excited.
Interested in becoming a Moms Ambassador?! Then go HERE  and complete the survey. Are you currently a Mom Ambassador? Let our readers know how you like it and what products you have received.

I recently did a mom sample meeting back in July for Seventh Generation and Stonyfield Farm products. See picture below of my packet for my moms and I.

I also got accepted to do a Kashi sample meeting which I am going to do in October. My son loves the Kashi bar samples they sent and I have to hide them from him so he doesn't eat them all before the party.

And I just got an email earlier this week that I got accepted to host another sample meeting (below) so I will be busy these next few months but I love it.


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