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FREE Online Shopping at Harris Teeter in Indian Trail

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Bargains with Barb: FREE Online Shopping at Harris Teeter in Indian Trail

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

FREE Online Shopping at Harris Teeter in Indian Trail

Time saving convenience you can count on!

Do you live near Indian Trail, NC? Express Lane Online Shopping has been added to the local Indian Trail store!

Our Express Lane Online Shopping service is now available at your Shops at Sun Valley Harris Teeter. To celebrate this addition, we are waiving the $4.95 fee on all orders between 9/14/11 and 10/4/11. Plus, we'll take $10 off one order of $50 or more before 10/4/11 if you enter the code HTCL in the discount field at checkout.

Offer valid at Shops at Sun Valley Harris Teeter location only.


At Wednesday, September 14, 2011 , Anonymous Online Shopping said...

only $10...


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