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FREE Photo Book Catalina Coupon at Target for Shutterfly

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Bargains with Barb: FREE Photo Book Catalina Coupon at Target for Shutterfly

Thursday, September 1, 2011

FREE Photo Book Catalina Coupon at Target for Shutterfly

When I went to Target this week I received a Catalina coupon after check-out at for a FREE 8″x8″ Shutterfly Photo Book (a $29.99 value)!  This would make a great personalized gift idea for family, friends, wedding gift, or something nice for the grandparents.  Come back and let us know if you also received this coupon after checkout!  I received one of these coupons last year from my local supermarket and was able to get a free hardcover photo book of my brother's wedding. See picture below.


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