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Style Mint - Personalize Your Style

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Bargains with Barb: Style Mint - Personalize Your Style

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Style Mint - Personalize Your Style

StyleMint is the brainchild of fashion designers and style icons Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen and parent company BeachMint. StyleMint offers members a revolutionary online shopping destination with the unrivaled experience of a personal stylist. The best part? Members-only access to Mary-Kate and Ashley's exclusively designed and styled T Shirts, with new styles to choose from every month.

1) Create your Style Profile with our fast and fun style quiz! It's FREE!
2) See your selections based on your Style Profile. We'll reveal a personalized collection of top styles just for you.
3) Choose your favorite t-shirts! There is no obligation to buy. Shipping is always FREE so go here to sign up.


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