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8 FREE Items when you purchase $1 Burger King Scholars Booklet

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Bargains with Barb: 8 FREE Items when you purchase $1 Burger King Scholars Booklet

Thursday, October 13, 2011

8 FREE Items when you purchase $1 Burger King Scholars Booklet


 (Image Credit:

If you want a cheap way to get some sweet treats, consider purchasing a BK Scholars Coupon Booklet from Burger King. Each booklet is $1 and contains 8 coupons for FREE items. Below is a list of the coupons:

* Free Value-Size Fries (4 total)
* Free Small Soft Drink or Small Icee (1 total)
* Free Soft Serve Cone (3 total)

Keep in mind that these coupon booklets are only available at select Burger King locations, so you may want to contact your Burger King ahead of time to see if they are participating.
(Thanks Collin)


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