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FREE shipping at Lot 18

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Bargains with Barb: FREE shipping at Lot 18

Friday, October 14, 2011

FREE shipping at Lot 18

 We're celebrating our 1st anniversary! So we activated $0 shipping and left the office. Go ahead - help yourself to all of our wines. | Visit Lot18
Lot 18 is offering FREE shipping on their wines and coffee until some time Saturday, October 15th. They are celebrating their one year anniversary.  If you have signed up to Lot 18 when I mentioned it in previous posts, you may want to check your account because you might find a nice surprise. I had a $20 credit in my account and was able to get 2 bags of coffee that were priced at 22.99 shipped for just $2.99 after the credit. . If you have not signed up to  Lot 18  you may want to sign up today as they are offering FREE shipping through Saturday, October 15th. Even if you don't find anything today, who knows, you might wind up with a nice "surprise credit" in the future.

I am not sure why I got the credit. It was probably because I hadn't ordered from them in a while and maybe it was an "We miss you and want you to come back" kind of thing. If so, it worked. lol.


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