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FREE Subscription to Disney’s FamilyFun Magazine at Plum District

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Bargains with Barb: FREE Subscription to Disney’s FamilyFun Magazine at Plum District

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

FREE Subscription to Disney’s FamilyFun Magazine at Plum District

There is a great Plum District deal  today. To get  the Disney Family Fun Magazine offer, here is what you need to do…
* Head over to Plum District and log in/register for an account
* Click on the pink “Make It Mine” button to add a one year subscription of Disney’s Family Fun Magazine to your account
* Enter the promo code 10TODAY to get $10 off
* Enter your shipping information (you should NOT need to enter any credit card info)
* Complete your purchase without spending anything out of pocket!

I just completed this deal and got this for FREE and entered no credit card information. 
(Thanks Hip2Save)


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