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FREE Wendy’s T-Shirt (3,000 Winners!)

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Bargains with Barb: FREE Wendy’s T-Shirt (3,000 Winners!)

Monday, October 10, 2011

FREE Wendy’s T-Shirt (3,000 Winners!)

If you missed this freebie last week, just a reminder that you still have a chance to win a FREE Wendy’s t-shirt…
Wendy’s is now hosting Round 3 and offering up 3,000 FREE shirts by random drawing on or around December 6, 2011 so simply head on over here and play the Wendy’s Here’s the Beef game on Facebook to possibly get your FREE T-shirt from Wendy’s. Keep in mind that you do not have to play all of the games to enter to win; just click on the next button until you get to the registration screen. You will even get to choose the shirt and size that you would like! 


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