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How to post a comment

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Bargains with Barb: How to post a comment

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to post a comment


Above is a screen shot of how you would post a comment. This is the current giveaway. There is one comment posted.

To post a comment go to my blog site and scroll to the post you want to write a comment in and click on the comments icon below the post. It will say Post a comment (in black) and there will be a box below it for you to type in.  Type in your comment and to submit your comment, below it will be a line that says Comment as:
Next to this will be a box that says:
Select a profile (like you see above)

This is a drop down box with ways to post your comment which is where a lot of people get confused but I normally post in Google as I have a Google account but the easiest way to post your comment is under the "Anonymous" tab. You do not have to leave your name just for a regular comment but if you are posting for a giveaway you need to leave your name and email address so I know how to contact you if you win. Put this in the comments section. You can also enter through name/URL. You would just write your name, enter your URL (web page) if you have one or just leave that blank and close out. So after you type your comment and then pick whatever way you want to be identified through "Select a profile". You will see a word verification come up and you just type in that word to verify you are a real person, click on the box that says "post comment" and then you are done.


At Friday, October 28, 2011 , Blogger hilda dada said...

I like your blog,and also like the article,and thank you for provide me so much information :))



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