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FREE 60-Day Trial Membership at BJ's Wholesale Club

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Bargains with Barb: FREE 60-Day Trial Membership at BJ's Wholesale Club

Friday, September 9, 2011

FREE 60-Day Trial Membership at BJ's Wholesale Club

Free BJs Wholesale Trial
This is a pretty cool freebie. BJ's Wholesale Club is offering a free 60 day membership which can be activated until December 31. The risk-free, trial membership includes full member benefits including savings and no surcharge.

Where to find BJ's Coupons
  • BJ's has coupons at the front of every club that are updated twice a month for Members to use.
  • BJ's accepts manufacturers' coupons from online too and they also have their own coupons available on their website.
  • BJ's mails out a quarterly publication called the BJ's Journal to a majority of its Members and it contains coupons redeemable at BJ's only.


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